Within-Agency Trainers (WATer) are individuals who have satisfactorily completed specialized training in the instruction and supervision of therapists in the PSB-CBT™ treatment model in which they were trained. They can independently provide PSB-CBT™ training within the sponsoring agency to therapists employed or selected by the agency (e.g., practicum student, intern).
The PSB-CBT™ WATer training course is available to invited and approved candidates and is no less than approximately five months or more than seven months. Training consists of live didactic training and follow-up consultation meetings. Over the course of training, candidates will receive or create all materials needed to independently train new providers in PSB-CBT™ within their sponsoring agency.
WATer candidates are invited to apply for training by PSB-CBT™ trainers. Once invited, they will receive an application that must be competed in its entirety. A letter of support from their sponsoring agency administration is required.