PSB-CBT Learning Objectives

For more information regarding Continuing Education, please contact your specific state licensing board. Training Team bios, curriculum vitas, and research and outcomes related to problematic sexual behavior have been made available for your convenience. 

School-Age (7-12)

Learning Session 1

  1. Participants will increase their knowledge of research on typical sexual development and problematic sexual behavior (PSB) in children, including impact on their child victims and their families, and use this information to enhance their practice, clinical and otherwise, with the population.
  2. Participants will be able to use research to identify and counter common misconceptions about children with PSB.
  3. Participants will learn strategies for how to educate and engage professionals across disciplines to better serve children with PSB, their child victims, and their caregivers.
  4. Participants will learn evidence-based assessment strategies to use with children with reported concerning/problematic sexual behaviors and how to use assessment results to inform treatment recommendations.

Learning Session 2

  1. Participants will learn and demonstrate understanding and be able to describe the format and components of the evidence-based treatment for children ages 7-12, Problematic Sexual Behavior - Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy™ (PSB-CBT™).
  2. Participants will learn PSB-CBT™ clinical treatment components and, specifically, increase their knowledge and application of child and caregiver treatment components within PSB-CBT™ known to reduce and eliminate PSB in children.
  3. Participants will be able to use evidence-based assessment results to monitor treatment progress and determine ongoing treatment needs of children with PSB and their caregivers. 

Learning Session 3

  1. Participants will increase knowledge and enhance application of PSB-CBT clinical skills for children with PSB and their caregivers.
  2. Participants will be able to demonstrate clinical decision making for children with PSB.
  3. Participants will be able to understand and identify internal and external barriers to caregiver engagement and participation.
  4. Participants will be able to identify and understand precursors to visitation and reunification of child with PSB and the recipient child (victim) and identify safety planning.
  5. Participants will be able to assess graduation readiness. 
